Sunday, December 9, 2012

Task 3 Reflection

1.   Share the web address url of your groups ScreenR presentation.
       The web URL for our groups screenR is

2.   Reflect on your contributions and how you contributed to making your group a success?
      This week we had a bit of a late start. Since its the end of the semester all the Pandas had a lot of things happening for us. But I contributed by in putting my opinion on how we should complete the screenR. I gave support to our facilitator and provided feedback on the screenR write up and presentation.  During the course of the semester I contributed to my groups overall success by helping others who were lost, and also provided feedback and input for all assignments. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Task 3-6 Reflection

  1. Why is it important to use teams in PBL?
    • In problem based learning it is important to use teams because teammates can work together to come to a common goal, in today's world there is a need for collaboration in future careersWith problem based learning others can contribute ideas or view ideas of others and suggest ways to improve upon those ideas. 
  2. What are some of the problems you see in student teams?
    • Some problems that I see in students teams is that the less structure there is in the group, the less likely that the group will succeed. When students are placed in a group, they come together to reach a common goal. With out structure  or job roles, the group can suffer. If each member in the group does not have a specific job to do, the group will be confused on what is done, and what still needs to be done. This can create conflict in the group, as well as others doing more work than originally assigned  leaving some group members getting a free grade on a project that they have not contributed to. 
  3. What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams?
    • Some strategies that I can use to minimize conflict in groups is to set up a strong student structure that holds each group member accountable for their work. This structure minimizes the groups conflict of "who's going to do what". With each student knowing exactly what is expected of them, the group can hold that person accountable, instead of the job being placed on other group members. 
  4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
    • This week we had a bit of a problem finding a facilitator. But we over came that obstacle by the other members being open and willing to take the role. Other than that, our group had no other problems or concerns. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Task 3-5 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
       Some Ideas that I have contributed to my group was some insight of the grading rubric that we will be using on our students as well as what questions we can ask our students to reflect on their experience creating the cyber bullying commercial Ad. 
2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

       This week I volunteered to be the leader for our team so my job was to facilitate meeting times and creating the new google doc for the final write up.
3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

       I encouraged and supported my team members by communicating with them via Laulima and providing them updates of what we were expected to do complete for the week.
4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

       The only questions that came up this week was what additional information was needed to complete the write up for the activity. I thought we were creating a whole new write up, but I found that mostly everything was covered from completing our previous tasks. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Task 3-4 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
       This week I contributed a resource for my team on how we can integrate authentic assessments in lesson plans. 
2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

        This week my role was to help provide resources on what authentic assessments were, and how to use it in a lesson plan.
3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

       I encouraged and supported my team members by providing feedback on their resources and also communicated with them in the forum about the task topic.  
4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

       We did not really have any problems, but some questions came about on how to post the ScreenR and post the response with the google doc. We over came the problem by other group members helping guide our Leader on what to do. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Task 3-3 Reflection

Task 3-3 Reflection Questions

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
       Some ideas that I helped contribute this week was what I would expect out of our students as well as provide feedback on other group members contributions as well. 
2.    What role did you play on your team this week?
       This week I served as a feedback person as well as information contributor  I helped add insight on what I believe is good for parents to know and what students should know and what we expect from both parents and students when it comes to PBL.
3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
        I helped encourage and support my team this week by helping all of our group members stay positive.    We all had family and school issues this week and we all felt a little down since we all were unable to come together before Friday. Even I felt down, but during our online discussion, myself, and all the other group members provided positive and motivating words of encouragement t help our members push forward so we could complete our tasks this week.
4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
       The only problems in our group this week was not being able to meet earlier in the week. We were a bit crunched on Friday doing the task since all group members were unable to meet before then. But we over came those problems and finished what we set out to do. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Task 3-2 Reflection

Task 3-2 Questions
1.    What roles did the members of your team have this week?
        This week, our group members did not really have set roles. Our team leader this week was Yolanda. She volunteered and helped facilitate the schedule for our group meeting for the week. All of the other group members contributed to the overall assignment. We each discussed an aspect of the letter as a group and we each contributed our own thoughts that went into the final product that Yolanda created in the google doc. 
2.    Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
       This week I contributed by providing feedback on the SLO, as well as had a voice in what subject that we would focus on. I had also helped contribute to answer a of the assignment for the google doc. 
3.    What worked well this week?
       This week our group communication worked very well. Although we had a busy week this week with our other group members, we all tried our best to provide our input for this assignment.This week we all tried our best to meet and help contribute to the final SLO as well as answers to the questions.
4.    What will you do differently next time?
       Next time, I will hope to contribute more to the group assignment so that it will not be harsh on the group leader for the week. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Task 3-1 Reflection

Task 3 Questions
1.    What roles did the members of your team have this week?
        This week, from my point of view, our group did not really have assigned roles. But everyone contributed certain information. Sarah and Randy had provided resources on Problem Based Learning as well as brief descriptions of their resources. Landa took their resources and combined them to create one overall summary of  Randy, Sarahs, and Landas own resources. Rose, Landa and I also wrote the paragraph together and we took the information from Randy, Sarah and Landa, and created the paragraph that answered our principals letter. Each member had certain information to share, and we came out with a great product. 
2.    Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group? 
        Since I was nominated leader of the group, I contributed by setting up a meeting time for the group, as well as editing the google doc. I had created a new forum in for us members to meet and collaborate with each other to create the paragraph. Then after our paragraph was written, I edited the paragraph with graphics to make our paragraph visually appealing. I felt that I had contributed by talking the first step to setting up more group collaboration. 
3.    What worked well this week?
       What worked well this week was our groups constant communication. We talk constantly through our forum through the week, and if it was not for each group member checking our Laulima forum, we would not have known what needed to be done this week. Also each member knew their limitations, and stated if they had prior commitments, and we worked around them together as a group to make sure each member contributed rather than was left out of the group. What also worked was the application. It worked with no flaws and helped the group members create the paragraph together and instant messaging  helped with with all the group members communicate while creating the paragraph. 
4.    What will you do differently next time? 
       Next time, the only thing I would want to do differently is maybe incorporate a voice chat, rather than an instant message chat. That way communication can be more efficient and the discussion of the assignment can continue smoothly.