Task 3 Questions
1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?
This week, from my point of view, our group did not really have assigned roles. But everyone contributed certain information. Sarah and Randy had provided resources on Problem Based Learning as well as brief descriptions of their resources. Landa took their resources and combined them to create one overall summary of Randy, Sarahs, and Landas own resources. Rose, Landa and I also wrote the paragraph together and we took the information from Randy, Sarah and Landa, and created the paragraph that answered our principals letter. Each member had certain information to share, and we came out with a great product.
2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
Since I was nominated leader of the group, I contributed by setting up a meeting time for the group, as well as editing the google doc. I had created a new forum in typewith.me for us members to meet and collaborate with each other to create the paragraph. Then after our paragraph was written, I edited the paragraph with graphics to make our paragraph visually appealing. I felt that I had contributed by talking the first step to setting up more group collaboration.
3. What worked well this week?
What worked well this week was our groups constant communication. We talk constantly through our forum through the week, and if it was not for each group member checking our Laulima forum, we would not have known what needed to be done this week. Also each member knew their limitations, and stated if they had prior commitments, and we worked around them together as a group to make sure each member contributed rather than was left out of the group. What also worked was the typewith.me application. It worked with no flaws and helped the group members create the paragraph together and instant messaging helped with with all the group members communicate while creating the paragraph.
4. What will you do differently next time?
Next time, the only thing I would want to do differently is maybe incorporate a voice chat, rather than an instant message chat. That way communication can be more efficient and the discussion of the assignment can continue smoothly.
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